23 May, 2011

Today The World Has Gone Mad!

Get Up on the Murray Darling Basin-

"The Murray Darling Basin has been sucked dry by decades of over extraction. Despite recent rain and floods the Murray Darling Basin is on the brink of ecosystem collapse. Already over 90% of the floodplain wetlands have been destroyed along with native fish and bird populations."

That is total rubbish.In the last ten days I have travelled extensively in the Basin, including along the Darling,Macquarie and Lachlan Rivers and can report the MDB has never been in better shape!

Climate Commission On Global Warming-

"ONE of Julia Gillard's top climate advisers says climate change denial is a luxury the world can no longer afford, declaring the decisions Australian politicians make now will affect future generations."

Apparently, Australia's 1.3% component of the 3% (that is .000039%) human induced contribution to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will make the difference!

Really, do these alarmists think we are all stupid!